I’ve been neglectful of my blog for several years. I’m starting a new job next week, so I thought I would return to blogging. The new job is in DevOps, so I’ll be focusing on DevOps topics. Some future topics, kubernetes, AWS, CI/CD. Stay tuned.
New job. More microservices posts coming soon.
Shortly after my last post I changed jobs. Doing the same stuff, just more time to do it. I plan on posting more about microservices and the technologies that I will be using to support the microservices infrastructure. The current areas of focus are Messaging, Kafka or RabbitMQ, and Spring Boot/Cloud. Inter service communication will… Continue reading New job. More microservices posts coming soon.
Microservices – Part 1 – Intro
I have been very busy at work, trying to get our Microservices infrastructure in place. This has involved a lot of searching, following a lot of the microservices experts, and a lot of experimentation. I will, time allowing create a series of entries about the experience of getting microservices accepted in an organization that had… Continue reading Microservices – Part 1 – Intro
Java Jersey – RESTful API framework
I have been using the Java Jersey framework to create a RESTful API for internal use, and eventually public consumption at work. Many of the features possible within the framework are needed, and have been implemented. Over the next several weeks, I will explain how some of the more important features were implemented. We are… Continue reading Java Jersey – RESTful API framework
ZenDesk – A well designed product
I have been implementing a new knowledge base ticketing system at work. The system we are using is ZenDesk. This is one of the best designed commercial systems I have ever seen. The interface and features are amazing. When organizing lists of items that will be displayed to a user the method of re-ordering them… Continue reading ZenDesk – A well designed product
Magento – Getting the currently logged in customer or admin user
I know this has been explained elsewhere, but I wanted a central location I could reference as needed. So, let’s get started. If you are on a page in Magento, and want to get information about the currently logged in customer, or on the admin side, the admin user: // Customer $customer = Mage::getSingleton('customer/session')->getCustomer(); $custName… Continue reading Magento – Getting the currently logged in customer or admin user
Fixing the Chrome cookie problem in Magento
After having this problem several times as I installed, and re-installed Magento, I decided to post this on my own blog for future reference. Sometimes when using Magento with a Chrome browser the cookie functionality doesn’t work, the code modification is relatively simple. Open the app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/Varien.php file and find the following code, somewhere near line… Continue reading Fixing the Chrome cookie problem in Magento
Enable Template Path Hints and Block Names in Default Config Options
If you have been using Magento for even a short time you have found the usefulness of enabling the Template Path Hints and Block Names on your website. Unfortunately those options don’t exist in the default config by default. Thankfully, due to the very configurable and modular nature of Magento, the options to turn them… Continue reading Enable Template Path Hints and Block Names in Default Config Options
Moving a block in Magento
This example is going to assume we are moving the poll block from the right side of the page to the left side of the page. Assuming that you want to move a block on a magento page from its current location to another location on the same page, you need to do the following:… Continue reading Moving a block in Magento
Magento Professional
Just a minor rant. We had just purchased Magento professional a few weeks ago, and then on the 1st of February Magento announces that they are phasing out Magento Professional. Would have been nice to mention this when we purchased it.